Feeling Tired…
Greetings friends and family, Jason here with an update…
I apologize for how long it’s been since our last post. Selfishly, it’s been really nice for us to have a season with a semblance of normalcy and not have to live constantly in light of Lindsey’s diagnosis. We’ve enjoyed the break from having to interact with this space.
Since our last post, we’ve been able to enjoy the boys and the close of each of their school years. Lindsey has been to and from the pool (almost) every day (sometimes for two-a-day practices) for the boys this summer. We have had the sweet gift of cheering Wright and Thomas on during their first swim team season and have enjoyed chasing Henry and Graham around this summer. Linds and I have also managed to get away for a long weekend and an entire week just the two of us. Most recently we enjoyed a week in Anguilla, on the same Caribbean beach we went to celebrate our 10th anniversary 6 years ago. Linds had her 39th birthday in April, I turned 40 in June, and we celebrated our 16th anniversary in early July. To boot, Lindsey’s hair is returning. Life has been full and we’ve been so grateful for that.
That being said, we are unfortunately back with an update and would again ask for prayer.
Over the last few weeks, Linds has progressively felt more and more tired and not quite her normal self. This came to my attention while we were away in Anguilla. It’s made us pause, and, to be honest, it’s made us fearful. (Personally, I just walk around with a knot in my stomach). The tiredness Lindsey feels is eerily similar to how she remembered feeling late Fall of 2019, before her initial diagnosis. It’s possible the tiredness could be explained by having had 6 rounds of chemo, chasing 4 kids all summer and putting up with me, or us just freaking out because of the initial diagnosis, etc…but we’ve received a few bloodwork results over her last two infusion visits that raise concern, enough concern for her medical oncologist to justify scheduling Lindsey’s next CT scan this week instead of in August. Please be in prayer for her, for us, as we learn the results of this CT in the coming days.
Psychologically it’s hard for both of us to not overreact and fear bad news and it’s entirely possible we’re merely overreacting. We certainly hope we are! But we wanted to share our burden with you tonight and thank you again for continued prayer, care and support during this journey.