CT Results

Jason here…

We have received the results of the CT.  

The scan shows an increase in size of Lindsey’s initial lung tumor, which means the conclusion is that the cancer is again growing.  Fortunately, the scan didn’t reveal new sites of disease as apparent at this time, and many previously involved areas in and around Lindsey’s lungs still appear unremarkable.  But, bony metastatic disease remains present as it did when Lindsey first presented a year and a half ago (although a CT scan is not the proper diagnostic tool to determine what’s active in these areas because of the initial disease footprint).

We still need to meet with the medical oncologist next week to learn what the next steps will be.  I suspect further imaging studies will be performed to further determine the extent of new growth so that a plan can be formulated for what to do in our next phase of this journey.

Lindsey continues to feel depleted and tired these days.  She’s not fully herself by way of gusto and energy (or even appetite some days), so that remains concerning to us.  Please continue to pray for her and our care team as we learn more about what’s going on in the coming week(s).  


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Feeling Tired…