The Past 24 Hours

Short update:

The smaller dose of Benadryl made my chemo infusion experience much better. The only side effect was feeling a little drowsy for a couple hours. I closed my eyes and listened to my audible book and dozed some. I actually finished the post yesterday under the influence of Benadryl, and I personally thought it was coherent! All in all, yesterday was a very good day for me.

Thank you for you prayers yesterday! I got home at 5:45 last night, in plenty of time to eat dinner with the family. I got to have one-on-one time with the 3 oldest boys. It was very good for me to have that time, and I think they benefitted from it as well.

I had trouble sleeping last night, probably from the steroids. I woke up in the middle of the night with a rash, a common side effect from the chemo. Thankfully I learned how to manage this with the nurse last time and talked through it with my doctor yesterday. It hasn’t been itchy and now I have and know what medicines to use to help keep it from flaring up and getting itchy. While I would love to skip the rash, it has been empowering to know what’s happening to me, to have learned what to do when it shows up, and to have the tools to manage this rash.

Today has been a good day as well, I’ve had a decent amount of energy. I haven’t had any other side effects pop up, although I feel saturated with medication. I’ve noticed today that keeping up with eating and drinking and some short walks help the medicated feeling lessen. I took the boys to preschool with my parents, had some girl time with my mom and sister, had a telehealth counseling appointment to talk through all of the anxiety and changes of the past months. Also Carly came this afternoon to play with the boys, help me plan (an essential part of our dynamic), help with dinner and bedtimes, sit and be a friend to me.


Second Chemo


Chemo Day 2, Part 2